Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Don't dish the Boss, Stanley !

So President Obama has replaced General S.A.McChrystal with General D.H.Petraeus, as Commander of American Forces in Afghanistan. Why? Because Gen.McChrystal said what was on his mind? Because he said what he felt? Because he exercised his Freedom of Speech. ...which was in conflict with acceptable Public Relations from a Military General. How many of us have said that our bosses are idiots? Clowns...Stupid...A$&holes...etc. Is it smart to criticize your boss? Not if you want to keep your job. And that's why Gen. McChrystal has been replaced. What was he thinking when he spilled his guts to 'Rolling Stone Magazine' ? Did he think it wouldn't get back to his boss? It seems to me, that these were the words from an upset, frustrated man who had HAD IT ! Gen.McChrystal is the man on the front lines of the war in Afghanistan, not President Obama. It's Gen. McChrystal who sees first hand, if strategy handed down from the White House is working or not. It's Gen. McChrystal who watched with his own eyes, as American Soldiers were wounded and died in battle. Considering this, it must have been frustrating beyond imagination for Gen,McChrystal to have to accept the words, " just following orders ". So far, I've only found the expected, scripted comments and responses from Gen.McChrystal, concerning this incident. I haven't found any comments from Gen. McChrystal about WHY he voiced his opinion about how the war was being handled in D.C. to an interviewer from 'Rolling Stone' . I'd like to hear his real thoughts about why he did, what he did. Was Gen. McChrystal smart to voice his real opinion? Apparently, not. Should he have been replaced because of his actions? I think most people would say yes. Did his words undermine American Military Effectiveness in Afghanistan? Ah... that brings another thought to my mind... the Militaries Stand on 'Gays in the Military'. I seem to remember a statement saying, and I para-phrase, "... Gays in the Military would undermine the effectiveness of Military Actions" ,or something to that effect. Hmmm? So has Gen. McChrystal been Outed ? Of course not, just joking! But it makes me ponder the possibility, that if a Heterosexual Military General has undermined the effectiveness of Military Action in Afghanistan, then to equate the idea that Gays in the Military, undermine effectiveness, is just fear and ignorance speaking. And by the way... the first thing I noticed when I saw a picture of Gen. Petraeus, was that it looks like he colors his hair ! "How GAY !" ha ha ha... I'm just sayin'...

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